Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Miss World 2010 Contestant - MISS HONG KONG WORLD 2010 - Sau Man Cheung's Photos & Profile/Biography


Birth Name: Sau Man Cheung (Sammi) 张秀文
Birth Date: 26.9.1987 (age 23)
Birth Place: Hong Kong
Height: 5'5.5" (1.66m)
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Language: Cantonese, English, Mandarin, Japanese & French
Title(s): Miss Hong Kong 2010 (1st Runner-up)
Major Competition(s): Miss World 2010


Sau Man is studying for a Bachelor of Business Administration – International Business. Hobbies include; Reading, Singing and her special talent is Chinese Dance. Personal Motto: ‘Giving up is our greatest weakness. To succeed, you need another attempt again and again’.


NO. 15: Ms Cheung Sammi Cheung
暱稱: Sammi, 秀文 Nickname: Sammi, Hidebumi
出生日期: 1987-09-26 Date of birth: 1987-09-26
出生地點: 香港 Place of birth: Hong Kong
身高: 166 cm Height: 166 cm
體重: 49 kg Weight: 49 kg
職業: 學生 Occupation: Student
學歷: 大學 Education: University of
國籍: 中國香港 Nationality: Hong Kong
籍貫: 海豐 Birthplace: Haifeng
家庭成員: 父母、一兄、一姊 Family members: parents, one brother and one percent
星座: 天秤座 Constellation: Libra
生肖: 兔 Zodiac Year: Rabbit
血型: Blood type:
性格: 開朗、健談、樂觀 Personality: cheerful, talkative, optimistic
參 選原因: 希望藉著香港小姐的知名度盡快去回饋社會,幫助及影響有需要的人 Election because: I hope that through awareness of Miss Hong Kong as soon as possible to contribute to the community to help and influence people in need
提名人關係: 朋友 Nomination Relations: Friends
最欣賞的港姐: 朱玲玲、郭藹明 The most admired Miss Hong Kong: A genealogical survey Guo Ai Ming
最滿意/漂亮部位: 酒窩,因為令笑容更甜美 The most satisfactory / beautiful site: dimple, because that is more sweet smile
最性感的部位: 眼睛 The most sexy part: eyes
最希望改善的部位: 腳 They want to improve the site: feet
精通語言: 廣東話、普通話、英語、 中級日語、初級法語 Proficient in languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Intermediate Japanese, Basic French
專長: 中國舞 Expertise: Chinese Dance
備戰方法: 多做運動,放鬆心情 Preparation method: more exercise, relax
難忘經歷: 到法國交流 Unforgettable experience: the French exchange
口頭禪: 嘻嘻 Mantra: hehe
座右銘: 學無止境,常抱謙虛的態度去學習 Motto: no end to learning, often adopt the attitude of humility to learn
最喜愛的歌曲: 落入凡間的天使- 容祖兒 Favorite song: into earthly angel - Joey Yung
最喜愛的人物: 我的舞蹈老師 Favourite Person: My dance teacher
最喜愛的食物: Sashimi Favorite food: Sashimi
最討厭的食物: 烏頭 The most hated food: Aconitum
最喜愛的顏色: 桃紅、白色 Favorite color: pink, white
最喜愛的動物: 貓、狗 Favorite animal: cat, dog
最喜愛的電影或電視劇: 時凶感應、鐵甲奇俠 Favorite movies or TV series: Deja Vu, Iron Man
最想旅遊的地方: 希臘 Where most want to travel: Greece
最喜愛的歌曲: 月亮代表我的心 Favorite song: The moon represents my heart
最喜愛的人物: 婆婆 Favourite Person: mother
最喜愛的食物: Tofu (豆腐) Favourite Food: Tofu (bean curd)
最討厭的食物: 苦瓜 The most hated foods: bitter melon
最喜愛的顏色: Pink Favorite color: Pink
最喜愛的動物: Dogs Favorite animals: Dogs
最喜愛的電影或電視劇: The Notebook (忘了忘不了) Favorite movies or TV series: The Notebook (forgot to forget)
最想旅遊的地方: Greece (希臘) Where most want to travel: Greece (Greece)


Favourite Music / Books ?
I like punk music, my favourite song is 'Smells like teen spirit' by Nirvana.

What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?
In 2008, Hong Kong was the first time to be one of the organisers of the Olympic Equestrian events. It was amazing that I could witness this great international event and have a hand in it.

Describe yourself
Have passion to help others, always try my best to do my work and never give up.

Favourite food ?
Japanese Cuisine and fish.

Do you have any pets ?
I have one cat and two dogs.

Future ambitions ?
To become a successful woman with great influential power.

Special Talents ?
Chinese Dance, Grade 13.

Tell us a little something about your Country ?
Hong Kong is full of metropolitan fascination. The fusion of eastern and western cultures makes Hong Kong a food and shopping paradise, you can find whatever you want there. As the Pearl of the Orient, the scenery around the Victoria harbour attracts thousands of tourists around the world every year.

Any other interesting facts ?
I am a volunteer performer in many charity and governmental events, the most unusual event was the 2008 Olympic Equestrian events in Hong Kong.


Special thanks to Wikipedia & misshk.tvb.com/2010 & Miss World Official Website

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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