Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Miss Earth 2010 Contestant - MISS BOTSWANA EARTH 2010 - Onalenna Gaopalelwe's Photo & Profile/Biography/Interview


Birth name : Onalenna Gaopalelwe
Birth Date: (age 20)
Birth place : Serowe
Height : 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in)
Weight: 46 kilos
Measurements: 82-69.5-89
Eye color :
Hair color :
Title(s) :


“My growing years were filled with laughter, pain and tears. We resided with relatives which was hard because sometimes they will starve us. We get to eat only when my mom came home home from work. Since I was 12 I never felt a father’s love but only my mom’s love. I learned from this experience that obstacles make a person strong. I learned that if life gives you lemons, add some sugar and make lemonade.”

Currently holding the Miss Selebi Phikwe crown, she has also been crowned Miss Valentine, Miss Winter, including being first princess at the Miss University of Botswana as well as Miss Intervasity; which involved contestants from the universities of Lesotho and Swaziland.

Gaopalelwe revealed Batswana have supported her all the way and she wants to reward their support with her participation at the 10th edition of the Phillipino based pageant, by advocating for the protection of the mother earth and the enduring conservation of the environment.


Plant more trees, Save water and stop wild fires.

Describe your childhood when you were growing up from 8 to 13 years old.

My growing years were filled with happiness, laughter, pain and tears. I grew up with my married parents and two younger brothers with my dads' family. My dad was working at the city and we were residing in the small town. Staying with relatives was hard because sometimes they would starve us and we got to eat only when my mum returned from work. We moved out to rent a place when I was 9 years old. When I was 1, my mom got transferred to work in the city and I had to be responsible for my brothers. Staying with brothers meant doing all the household chores by myself. My mum returned to us when I was 12 and life became better again.

The love that my dad gave us vanished just like that without any cause. Life became hard growing up lacking some things while my dad existed. Since I was 12, I never felt a father's love but only my mums' love.

What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years?

From my childhood experience I learnt that a problem-free life never makes a strong person and obstacle-free roads never make good drivers. So I turned all the negative situations I encountered into a positive driving force to a brighter future. I did not allow the situation to hinder the life that I planned. So, the biggest lesson that I learnt is, that if life gives you lemons add some sugar and make lemonade. Simply meaning, no matter how much pain and suffering you encounter in life, you will always find an equivalent amount of joy to keep you going in life. This is the motto that I am living upon.

What is your most memorable moment?

The most memorable moment was when I got admitted at the university. I was so excited and proud of myself for the fact that despite being sent back home because of school fees, I made it through. I realized that I am approaching the door to my big dreams. I will now be able to help my mother through the personal allowance we were given at school. It is the most memorable moment because it was time for perseverance despite the entire struggle that I had gone through.

What is your environmental advocacy?

I am going to hold educational talk shows in schools to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of the environment. The reason why I want conquer the schools is that I want to raise environmental awareness in children so that they can grow up well informed about environmental issues. I am also going to be involved in tree planting project and litter picking…I am going to do all these projects to motivate people about the importance of planting trees and that it should be in our hearts to pick litter knowing that a little effort done can benefit the whole world. So I want to do all these programs to awaken the conscience in people's hearts.


Special thanks to Wikipedia, GlobalBeauties, & Miss Earth Official Website &

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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